Chaska River City Days Medallion Hunt 2024


The medallion is hidden on public property in the City of Chaska. The medallion is not buried, in the water or on private property. The medallion is at least one block north of the Minnesota River.

If found, the medallion should be turned in at Cy’s Bar & Grill (500 N Pine St, downtown Chaska-the Mill Bldg)

The medallion clues are also posted at the Kiosk by the City Square Park in downtown Chaska, at the Chaska Community Center, at the Chaska History Center and at this website at 2PM. The medallion should be reported as found as soon as possible so the final clues can be posted for the others that may still be looking.

Give Cy’s your contact information for promotions. The finder will be able to keep the medallion as a memento of the fun times had during the search.

The First Clue will be posted the Saturday before River City Days, the next will be posted on Monday and everyday thereafter till found.

Good Luck! and help keep Chaska beautiful!

Medallion Hunt Sponsors:

Cy’s Bar & Grill

Co-sponsored by the medallion creator Wingnut Laser of Chaska


List of clues

(tap or click on the clue number to go to the at clue)

Clue 1

Clue 2

Clue 3

Clue 4

Clue 5

Clue 6

Clue 7